Psychological Disorders in Juvenile Sex Offenders

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Psychological Disorders in Juvenile Sex Offenders

3.00 $15.00 Add to Cart
Course Details
  • Category:General
    Registration Fee:$15.00
    Sponsor:Calvert Partners
    End DateN/A
    Program Level:Advanced
    Program Year:2013

    This workshop was originally presented (and filmed) at the Collin County Children's Advocacy Center in Plano, TX. Included with this video is a complete and updated slide presentation. You will be able to follow along with the PowerPoint slides during the presentation by having a copy of the slides just as the participants of the live workshop had, with the exception of even more up-to-date research citations. Juveniles with sexual behavior problems often exhibit other emotional and behavioral problems that must be taken into consideration in any treatment program. This advanced workshop will examine psychological disorders seen in juvenile sex offenders, including developmental disorders, ADHD, conduct disorder, depression, and anxiety. In this workshop we will review how these disorders impact the sexual offenses and how to treat these disorders in conjunction with the sex offender treatment. Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to: (1). Identify common psychological disorders in juvenile sex offenders; (2). Describe how these disorders impact the perpetration of sex abuse; (3). Discuss sexual recidivism in juveniles; (4). Discuss treatment for these disorders within sex offender treatment

  • James D. Calvert, Ph.D., MSCP
    Southern Methodist University Calvert Partners. PLLC

    Dr. Calvert is a licensed clinical psychologist and president of Calvert Partners, a consulting firm specializing in professional continuing education and program development and evaluation. He is also a lecturer at Southern Methodist University where he teaches child and adult psychopathology, research design, clinical interviewing, ethics, and psychopharmacology. He is the 2013-14 recipient of the Maguire Center for Ethics and Public Responsibility teaching grant in ethics. In addition to his Ph.D. in clinical psychology, he obtained a postdoctoral Master’s degree in psychopharmacology and is licensed as a prescribing psychologist in Louisiana. Dr. Calvert also serves as the editor for The Tablet, APA Division 55 (American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy) newsletter. He is also the CE Director for Division 55.

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