A Matter of Ethics

Title Rating Credits Cost
Documentation, Ethics, Patient Communication
A Matter of Ethics

1.00 $25.00 Add to Cart
Course Details
  • Category:Documentation, Ethics, Patient Communication
    Registration Fee:$25.00
    Sponsor:New York Chiropractic College - Post Grad Department
    End Date1/1/2019
    Program Level:Basic
    Program Year:2006

    PLEASE NOTE - EFFECTIVE 11:59PM 1/1/2019, THIS COURSE WILL NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE. YOU HAVE UNTIL THAT TIME TO COMPLETE IT. NO REFUNDS WILL BE APPLICABLE. Click on course title for C.E. information and abstract. THIS COURSE MEETS STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR DOCUMENTATION AND/OR RISK MGMT, AND/OR ETHICS, AND/OR PATIENT COMMUNICATIONS, Please note: Upon completion of this course the doctor will understand the process and impact of personality trait development and operant conditioning on ethics. The doctor will recognize ethical issues in their personal and professional life and the consequences a lack of or absence of ethical conduct may have. C.E. approved in the following states: Colorado; Connecticut;Delaware; District of Columbia; Idaho; Illinois; Iowa; Maryland;Massachusetts; Michigan; Montana; Nebraska; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina; South Carolina; No. Dakota; Ohio; Oregon; Rhode Island; South Carolina; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; Wyoming - British Columbia , Manitoba , New Brunswick , Ontario, Quebec & Saskatchewan .... This lecture can be applied toward the 8 C.E. credits required for the NCMIC 5% discount Copyright Notice: The materials displayed in this online course are copyrighted. All rights are reserved. The materials may only be used by students and faculty registered in the class and only for educational purposes. They cannot be copied or disseminated for any other purpose. PLEASE NOTE: Several state boards for chiropractic require the number of online continuing education credit hours earned must equal the number of hours the doctor is actually online and engaged in the material. Therefore, the testing segment will not be available until the online time corresponding with the credit hours has elapsed. Please feel free to call 1 800 434-3955 if you need additional information. Disclaimer: License Renewal: While applications relating to credit hours for license renewal in selected states have been executed for these programs, it remains attendees’ responsibility to contact the state board(s) from whom they seek continuing education credits for purposes of ensuring said board(s) approve both venue and content as they relate to any seminar/course/lecture/webinar /online presentation (event).

  • Benjamin M. Bartolotto, DC

    Dr. Bartolotto is a graduate of National College of Chiropractic, Class of 1977. He served as an examiner for the NYS Board of Chiropractic from 1988 to 1995. He is the Chief Examiner for the National Boards of Chiropractic Examiners - Seneca Falls, NY site. He was appointed to the New York State Board of Chiropractic and is the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee. Additionally, Dr. Bartolotto is a member of the NYS Board of Chiropractic, Committee on Continuing Education. Dr. Bartolotto maintains a private practice in Binghamton, NY.

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