Communicable Diseases Prevention and Pandemic Planning

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General Courses
Communicable Diseases Prevention and Pandemic Planning

2.00 $50.00 Add to Cart
Course Details
  • Category: General Courses
    Registration Fee:$50.00
    Sponsor:New York Chiropractic College - Post Grad Department
    End Date1/1/2019
    Program Level:Basic
    Program Year:2012

    PLEASE NOTE - EFFECTIVE 11:59PM 01/01/19, THIS COURSE WILL NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE. YOU HAVE UNTIL THAT TIME TO COMPLETE IT. NO REFUNDS WILL BE APPLICABLE. Click on course title for C.E. information and abstract...C.E. approved in the following states: Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts; Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey; New York; No. Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina; Wyoming; British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec & Saskatchewan....The first hour of this course will review the top communicable diseases in the world today and how they relate to the chiropractic office locally. It will broaden the student’s understanding of epidemics and pandemics with an emphasis on Influenza. The second hour of this course is designed to teach the student how to be prepared in the event of a pandemic. Students will learn the 3 types of hazard controls needed to keep their employees safe. They will learn reporting criteria for injury and illnesses. Also, they will be given the skills necessary to develop a safety and health training program This lecture can be applied toward the 8 C.E. credits required for the NCMIC 5% discount. License Renewal: While applications relating to credit hours for license renewal in selected states have been executed for these programs, it remains attendees’ responsibility to contact the state board(s) from whom they seek continuing education credits for purposes of ensuring said board(s) approve both venue and content as they relate to any seminar/course/lecture/webinar /online presentation (event).

  • Rosalind Canham, DC

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