Introduction to Acupuncture

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Introduction to Acupuncture

1.00 $75.00/$75.00 Add to Cart
Course Details
  • Category:General Courses
    Registration Fee:Member $75.00 / Non-Member $75.00
    Sponsor:Texas Chiropractic College
    End DateN/A
    Program Level:Advanced
    Program Year:2017

    A brief introduction to Acupuncture for Chiropractors by Dr. Paul Jaskoviak

  • Dr. Paul Jaskoviak

    1975 graduate of National, Dr. Jaskoviak has given close to 1000 weekend lectures on acupuncture and physiotherapy. Educator, author, researcher, public speaker and world-traveler, he now serves as the Postgraduate Dean of the Texas Chiropractic College. A Texas licensed DC, he holds diplomate status in neurology, has a CCSP, and has a Doctorate in Clinical Religious Counseling in Florida. He was one of the pioneers in introducing acupuncture to the chiropractic profession conducting clinical research studies as early as 1973 while a student at NUHS. He published two research books dealing with acupuncture and worked with many State Associations and Board’s in securing the rights for DC’s to perform needling technics. He also wrote and published one of the most widely read text’s in Chiropractic, Applied Physiotherapy. He has traveled world-wide visiting six continents and around 75 countries. During a humanitarian visit to Liberia he was on national TV, lectured to almost all the MD’s in the country and assisted in treating close to 600 patients in one day!

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