Welcome to the homepage of the Tennessee Land Title Association!
    TNLTA is the premier pre-licensing and continuing education (CE) provider for Tennessee title insurance professionals. We are a nonprofit organization, governed by a Board of Directors from within the industry, that provides top-quality educational resources to land title professionals.
    Each of our courses is designed by experts in the Tennessee land title industry to help you maximize your professional expertise and develop new skills to add to your toolbox. But the registration fees you pay for our courses do more than just help you advance yourself. Your financial support of TNLTA supports our industry as a whole by allowing us to carry out our other functions:
    • Consistently and effectively advocating for the interests of title insurance professionals by supporting, introducing, and opposing legislation that may affect them
    • Delivering important, timely, and relevant information about the industry and related businesses to our members
    • Helping members connect and network with their peers
    If you are not yet a TNLTA member, please consider joining today!
    On this homepage, you can learn about and register for our CE and CLE courses. To register, click the blue "Register" button above. You can then view our offerings by returning to this home page and clicking "View Courses".
    If you have previously registered, click "Member Login" to sign in and view or register for courses.
    In order to receive CE or CLE credits, you must complete the credit form when you complete the course; if you do not complete this form, you will not receive credit for the course. You must listen to each section in its entirety before you can advance to the next section, and you may review sections you have already completed.
    For questions about online courses, please call 615-288-3936. For technical support, please email info@eondirect.com.
    All course content is protected by copyright laws and may not be reproduced without written permission of TNLTA. The license to participate in any online course and view the associated written material extends only to the person who pays the registration fee. The TNLTA does not render any legal, real estate, accounting or other professional services. The Institute's programs and publications are designed solely to help title insurance professionals maintain their professional competence. In dealing with specific matters pertaining to title insurance or real estate, the persons using TNLTA-conveyed information should also research original sources of information and authority. In no event will TNLTA, its speakers, authors or the publisher be held liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages arising from the use of this material.

    Browse our course library containing an extensive collection of audio and video courses.

    Our course library covers a wide array of topics to help you meet your educational needs.

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    • This is nice tab 3's content. It's, popular.

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